Saturday, April 26, 2014

Woooohooooo~ CN Blue comeback!!

Ya Allahhhhh, I am so so so so HAPPY you know!!
My JUNG YONG-HWA is currently singing at the TV right now... (SERIOUSLY!)

What a coincidence?
Hahahaha :D The title of the that are currently playing on the TV is DIAMOND GIRL.
Wow wow wow wow, obviously laaa kan utk I kan?? (kakak kakak, adik adik jangan jeles okay?)

Okay okay,
back to the main topic!
I suka okay CN Blue dah buat comeback ♥♥♥
Tajuk lagu??


Hehehehe, the MV and the song genre is totally change.
It shows the other side of CN Blue. Hikhikhik (which make me fall harder! Ya Allah!!)
Kalau ade suami, tentu suami akan jadi encik jeles nanti ;)

Yong-Hwa sweetheart,

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