Monday, December 31, 2012

Love Rain Korean Drama

Love Rain Wallpaper

you all have to watch this DRAMA!!
although the story line is slow, I enjoyed watching it.
They are so ROMANTIC :D

I love the songs, I love their love for each other,
I love the kissing scenes :)

good friends :)

A true friend is someone who NEVER gets tired of listening to your
pointless dramas over and over again.

understand when you say forget it,
wait forever when you say just a minute,
stay by your side when you say leave me alone,
&& listen for hours when you're upset on the phone.
It's those times when we go so crazy and people think we're drunk.
the times we make each other laugh until we cry,
all of our inside jokes and quotes and "remember whens..."
Those are the reasons we are best friends - scratch that - SISTERS!!


Sometimes I wonder why I am still alive.
with all my wrong doings, my ego and everything.
I just want to stop hurting people in my life,
sometimes I didn't realize it.

Ya Allah, please forgive all my mistakes :')
my life may not be going the way I planned it but it is going exactly the way
YOU planned it.

terima kasih Ya Allah :)
kerana masih aku peluang untuk bertaubat.

Ya Allah,kau maha tahu segala-galanya

Ya Allah, hanya kau yang tahu apa yang terkandung dalam hati aku sekarang nii.
Apa harus ku lakukan ya Allah bagu mengelakkan perasaan ini menguasai diri?
Apa perlu aku lakukan?

Yea, jujur aku sayangkan dia, tetapi perangainya,
yang membuatkan aku curiga akan dirinya sendiri,
berilah aku petunjuk, apa yang terbaik untuk aku ya Allah.
adakah si dia?
kau bimbinglah dia ke jalan yang benar, supaya suatu hari nanti,
dia juga bakal membimbing aku ke jalan mu ya Allah.

subhanallah, terima kasih ya Allah kerana memberi aku banyak pilihan,
walaupun aku masih tidak nampak mana yang terbaik untuk aku,
aku harapkan petunjuk-Mu ya Allah :)

Alhamdulillah, syukur.
Terima kasih ya Allah. Syukrannn~

Everything went well between us I guess?

last few days, I suddenly got a whatsapp from MR.F,
my so called "LONG LAST BFF"
we fight over some stupid stuff, which ofcoz, make me ANGRY.
then I told him that once I throw him, I will never take him back

and he said he already USED to it,
and he's fine without me in his life.
suddenly, he text-ed me, and ask for forgiveness.

I was like, is he SERIOUS??
mula2 ofcoz laaa PERLI2 kann?
yelaaa, siapa suruh cari pasal and what-so-ever kan?
but, I bukan jenis yang BERDENDAM.
habis di situ, situ jelaaaa.

I don't like to complicated stuff around me,
and everything. so yeahh, I forgive him :)

Alhamdulillah Syukurrrrr~

At last, my ID presentation done at last.
InsyaAllah everything will be good ;)

I never thought that we could done it,
but Alhamdulillah, Allah swt always there with us,
and always guide us the way through thick and thin.
this is our exhibition, enjoyyyy :D


enjoy peoplessss :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

new boyfriend~

okay peeps, now I have a new "Korean Boyfriend"
guess who???
jeng jeng jeng~

he is Jang Geun Suk!

what a HOTTIE aite??
i love the stare of his eyes, the way he smile :D
it just make me want to have a boyfriend like him.