Saturday, April 26, 2014

Woooohooooo~ CN Blue comeback!!

Ya Allahhhhh, I am so so so so HAPPY you know!!
My JUNG YONG-HWA is currently singing at the TV right now... (SERIOUSLY!)

What a coincidence?
Hahahaha :D The title of the that are currently playing on the TV is DIAMOND GIRL.
Wow wow wow wow, obviously laaa kan utk I kan?? (kakak kakak, adik adik jangan jeles okay?)

Okay okay,
back to the main topic!
I suka okay CN Blue dah buat comeback ♥♥♥
Tajuk lagu??


Hehehehe, the MV and the song genre is totally change.
It shows the other side of CN Blue. Hikhikhik (which make me fall harder! Ya Allah!!)
Kalau ade suami, tentu suami akan jadi encik jeles nanti ;)

Yong-Hwa sweetheart,

I have no words!!! I am truly deeply falling for him!!


Everytime I look at his face, my heart beating harder more than usual you know?
Have you experienced it before??

Because of him, I wanted to go to K.O.R.E.A so badly man!!!
I love you weyhhh. (Astaghfirullahal'azim, bwk mengucap fera!!)
Hahahaha, what can I do, I like him weyhhh!!!

Berharap sangat bila dapat pg KOREA nanti, I have the chance of meeting him. (InsyaAllah)

Those memories I have...

Ya Allah,
when I was deleted my picture in the previous post,
I was re-read my previous post!!

Ya Allah, it was SUPER funeyhhhhh okay?
Sebab it brings back those memories I used to have.

And now,
if and only if I can go back to the past,
I want to go back to my Matriculation time.
So that I can met Arwah Amierul Hakim and told him that I love him :'(

Because of him,
I became a better person nowadays.
Alhamdulillah, syukur.
Thanks for lead me to become who I am today.

Al-fatihah to Arwah Amierul Hakim bin Mustafar.

Dear reader,

Assalamualaikum my dear readers,
Since I have covered my hair with hijab, I have to REMOVED all the pictures of me without one.

So, I have to take out the picture, but the post is still there.

Hugs and kisses,

Monday, April 14, 2014

Yaww yaww yaww!!

Hello people people people.
Muhhh gawdddddd, its been a while kann??

I know, I know, you all miss me kannn?? Ahakssss *sila amik baldinand muntah*
Well, I busy okayyy, with project. Where I have to learn back the 'History of Kuala Lumpur'

I know the face. Hahahaha

Its T-R-U-E people!!
It is because, my site for this semester is The Annexe Central Market.
Yuppp, you are correct. The gallery building situated behind the Central Market

Hapaaaa?? Bangunan lama? Memang lama, lama sangat sangat hokeyyy!!
Sampai I kena kaji balik latar belakang nenek moyang atuk kepada moyang central market tuuuu.
Haaaa kau~ gitu propa dia!! Nampak x??

Kelas kau bedahhh!! Hahahaha.
But memang betul okay, where I have to know the Central Market itself before it become The Centre for Art and Culture.

Then bila dapat task nii, masa tuu laaa terkial-kial haaa kau nak pg Central Market.
Nama pun buat kajian kannn...
So, jalan punya jalan punya jalan, xbeli apa punn. Yelaaa, CM jerrr pun kannn??
Xde kelasssss!! *nmpakkk x brlagak tuu*

My group buat research on the history jerr kann, so berlagak laaa masa dkt situ.
Xpndg apa sgt punn. *yelaaa, history dlm pakcik Google kan banyakkk*
After 1st presentation tuu, haaa kau. Terkial-kial jawab soalan yg lecturer tanyaaaa
Hahahaa, nasib baik boleh jawab. After that,
Bermula laaaa research kedua. Pergi laaa arkib negara, kl city gallery.
Seronokkkk bak hangggg!!!
Time time tua nii laaa baru nak mula belajar pasal sejarah Kuala Lumpur *gelak simpul simpul malu*

So, the conclusion is, after I know all the salasilah of the Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur,
I was totally in love with the architecture during the 18th century. Where they express everything into a building element.
Wahh wahh wahhh!!! Vaaa vaaa voommmm kau!!

Setakat ini sahajalah hasil nukilan dari I okay?
Later later I smbung lagi.
